Part 58: Episode LV: Number 6
Episode LV: Number 6
Well, this doesn't seem too bad. There are no shirtless Dragonball Z rejects sitting on a throne at least...

Ergh... What am I looking at nailed to a wall here...?

That is a touch nightmarish, to say the least... I was thrilled to play this section the first time through about a half hour before going to bed.

Old man Emil gets rather concerned at

So Emil is a weaponized Stone Magic user made from science back when the world was going to hell in a hand basket. And this big hulking skeletal rapeface corpse is presumably his twin sister, if those photos are anything to go on. Manah 2.0 certainly got the shit end of that stick...

Oh shit... Scratch the corpse part of that previous description...

Number 6 begins breaking free from its shackles...

Number 6 drops to the floor...

Music: Deep Crimson Foe


Number 6 Cinematic (You should probably watch this!)

Number 6 Concept Art